About Greenbush

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
Arthur Ashe

Earnest beginnings.

Learn together.
Grow as one.

Greenbush was originally formed in 1976 as Interlocal No. 609, and legally known as Southeast Kansas Education Service Center, with 9 counties in Southeast Kansas working together to provide educational opportunities that had previously been available only in larger urban areas. 


The agreement was unique in that no taxes were to be collected by or for the Interlocal and there was no overall membership fee. Instead, schools would pay only for the services they needed, ensuring programs would live or die based on their quality and efficacy.

Decades of growth

Expanding education
& opportunity.

Early strides were made in developing and offering special education and early learning programs. As Greenbush grew and the needs of students and teachers evolved, cutting-edge science programs—such as a mobile space station and traveling life education center—were introduced, as well as additions to the Greenbush campus, including the William L. Abernathy Science Education Center, the PSU-Greenbush Astrophysical Observatory, and a challenge rope course.


By the 1990s, Greenbush was serving school districts throughout the state and was becoming a daily destination for incredible math, science, and adventure-based learning experiences for students.

Going forward

Onward through innovation.

Today, we have expanded our campus to become a college- and career-ready location with unique programs in biosciences, in-house food preparation and culinary arts, and much more. Additionally, we are continually innovating in virtual learning tools for schools and professional development, always with the goal of ensuring exceptional educational opportunities for all.


Greenbush team members operate out of campuses in Girard, Lawrence, and Topeka, in addition to smaller offices located throughout Kansas.

Get In Touch

Interested in learning more about Greenbush programs, partnering with us, or visiting our sites? Contact us today.

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