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Every learner has a journey.
Now every journey has a resource.

IEP Solutions from Greenbush are online resources that house all the vital information surrounding a learner’s Individualized Education Plan and educational journey. Through tools like Greenbush Learning Backpack and Relay, districts now have a resource for easy documentation and monitoring, so that all teachers, administrators, and therapists integral to a student’s path can be connected and aligned. Additionally, Medicaid billing can be integrated so that reporting is seamless.

Save time. Stay connected. Serve students.

Greenbush IEP Solutions are bar-raising, low-cost resources to help students reach their full potential. As an online hub, our two solutions provide an easily accessible home for vital information surrounding a learner’s educational journey. As a collaborative resource, it allows all professionals invested in a student’s journey — teachers, therapists, administrators, and counselors — to share documentation and reporting in one place. With optional Medicaid billing insights built in, there’s quick and clear access to see the available funds and services. This individualized yet holistic approach helps ensure the very best educational experiences and outcomes, one learner at a time.

The Learning Backpack system is worthy of exploration by any agency that desires to have a comprehensive system for IEPs and legal paperwork that more than meets the requirements of IDEA and FAPE.
Tonya Barnes, Director of Special Education
Chautauqua & Elk County Special Services Cooperative
Greenbush’s Learning Backpack assists our teachers in creating effective individualized programs for every student. The interface is user-friendly, visually appealing, and is a time-saver for our teachers. Our staff transitioned with ease and share their appreciation for the program.
Emily McCambridge, Director
Tri-County Special Education Interlocal #607
Access vital information surrounding a learner’s educational journey with Greenbush IEP Solutions

Unique Needs Require Unique tools

Every learner is unique and some require more attention to succeed. Greenbush IEP Solutions is a one-of-a-kind resource that allows each educational professional working to help that student help each other. By staying connected, staying informed, and making the whole process easy, every learner can get the support they need every step of the way.
Learn about the documentation database hub that’s right for you.

Option 1:

Learning Backpack

The Learning Backpack is a special education documentation management tool designed by Kansas Special Educators. This solution provides a simplistic user interface with intuitive functionality providing efficiencies for  special education providers which helps to reduce the burdensome documentation load. Additionally, the Learning Backpack, customization aligns with the Greenbush Medicaid billing engine. This alignment is designed to promote opportunities for maximization of medicaid revenues. The Learning Backpack is a special documentation system designed to help simplify the burdensome demands of documentation.

Option 2:


  1. Relay is a comprehensive Special Education Management system that will be delivered in Kansas by Greenbush. The solution incorporates Greenbush’s exceptional customer service to schools with Lumen Touch’s data-driven reporting and tracking system with Relay’s automated Medicaid billing solution. Built on the Lumen Touch Bright SPED™ platform and packaged with Relay’s Medicaid billing, Relay is a comprehensive Special Education Management system that will be delivered in Kansas by Greenbush. Designed to address the complexities and changing dynamics of special education reporting and compliance, Relay provides functionality through a data-driven, digital infrastructure that allows school districts and educators to meet state and federal compliance regulations in a timely manner while maximizing Medicaid reimbursement.