Annual Required Trainings

The Kansas Association of Education Service Agencies (KAESA) has developed a range of resources to help educators effectively and efficiently complete annual trainings required and recommended by KSDE. The videos and resources below can be used by all educators to complete the trainings.
Training Module & Resources | When to complete? | Who should complete? |
(9 Minutes 30 Seconds) The video and materials have been created in an effort to educate employees on the dangers of and response to exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens. The materials include a video presentation with accompanying slide deck and a quiz with an answer key for self or group-scoring. The information in the presentation is a compilation of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations but does not replace a complete course if more specialized training is needed. |
ESI: What All Administrators Need to Know 2023 (12 minutes)
ESI: What All School Staff Need to Know 2023 (10 minutes)
Introduction to De-escalation (22 minutes)
Infinitec (Optional) If you participate with Infinitec, here are video training options as additional or supplemental resources to choose from.
(35 Minutes 41 Seconds) Guide for Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect School staff are responsible for knowing and understanding how to prevent abuse and report abuse or neglect through mandated reporting procedures. The video and accompanying resource should be reviewed thoroughly on an annual basis.
If you are wanting to schedule an in-person Mandatory Reporting training through DCF / KCSL, please use the link below to request that this be scheduled:
(21 Minutes 30 Seconds) Knowing and understanding how to best support students and families without a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence is important. Please ensure you have, and know how to contact, your school district’s assigned Homeless Liaison for additional information and support or resources for students and families. |
Annual training* is required for:
*Professional learning is required annually but each school system is allowed to determine the time and duration of the training. The training should be hands-on, with evidence-based practices, on the nature of dyslexia, procedures to identify students who are struggling in reading, intervention strategies and procedures, tiered intervention practices, or progress monitoring. The training can be held during consecutive PLC meetings and do not require a dedicated professional development day.
Some online modules to support in the completion of this training can be found at: Kansas Teaching and Leading Project website
For any NEW to the profession teacher: Complete the revised KSDE Required Dyslexia Modules (2024). |
Annually (One Hour Minimum)
(1 Hour) KSDE Kansas Suicide and Prevention, Response, and Postvention Toolkit Suicide Prevention Resource Guide Suicide Awareness and Prevention is an important topic to discuss as a school staff and annual training is required for staff for a minimum of one hour. In addition to the video, KSDE has prepared and provided Kansas schools and school districts with a toolkit focusing on prevention, response, and postvention. |
Staff and Students
*Please consider carefully how you have staff and students complete the annual required training in this very important and potentially sensitive area
Staff: Plan to use the provided video and other resource options to complete the training.
Students: Instead of the video, a conversation with students (whole group or small groups) might be the most effective way to complete the training. Consider sharing your policies, procedures, and ways students should quickly report incidents of concern.
(8 Minutes) Bullying Prevention Plan and Resources Toolkit from KSDE Bullying Prevention Resource Guide from CPI Bullying is behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power or strength. Schools should review this information with staff and students once per year and ensure students know the school’s policies and expectations and how to report bullying incidents for self and others. Bullying can take many forms, including:
Staff and Students
*Please consider carefully how you have staff and students complete the annual required training in this very important and potentially sensitive area.
Staff: Plan to use the provided video and other resource options to complete the training.
Students: Instead of the video, a conversation with students (whole group or small groups) might be the most effective way to complete the training. Consider sharing your policies, procedures, and ways students should quickly report incidents of concern.
(3 Minutes) Greenbush Overview Slide Deck HERE
An Option or for Next Steps: (45 minutes) Kansas Human Rights Commission Module It is unlawful to harass a person (applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include sexual harassment or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Greenbush has provided links to two options for this annual training: one is an overview video and the other is a more in-depth training module with an embedded quiz. |
Applicable Staff
(32 Minutes) The Professional Negotiations Act now requires all involved in professional negotiations, including administrators, board members, and teachers, to complete an annual training. Greenbush has partnered with Greg Goheen of McAnany, Van Cleave, and Phillips, P.A. to provide a free online training resource that meets all statutory requirements. Below you will find the training video and a training quiz. |
PDC Members
(28 Minutes) Each district PDC needs to receive training on an annual basis regarding the processes, policies, and procedures for a few functions of this team, including the approval of professional learning points. |
School Athletics Personnel
Parent/Student Release Form in English Parent/Student Release Form in Spanish See the attachments for the KSHSAA parent/student release for annual completion. |
Optional / Applicable
(9 Minutes 15 Seconds) Knowing and understanding the policies and procedures to maintain privacy with student and family educational and health records is important. This video will address reminders and best practices with both FERPA and HIPAA. |
(5 minutes 32 seconds)
Viewers of this module will learn about the following:
Every Two Years
School Bus Drivers
For CPR Training / First Aid, Contact Local Providers for CPR Certification Course Options
CPR Training / First Aid is required for school bus drivers. Training is accepted from the following organizations:
• No online courses will be accepted. Only courses with an onsite certified instruction accepted.
Every Three Years
School Bus Drivers
The following courses are accepted for the Accident Prevention Course (Defensive Driving) requirement:
There are no online courses. All courses must be scheduled for eight hours and must have a certified instructor.
Superintendent or Designee
(Approximately 4 Hours) SB 367 Information on Adolescent Development SB 367 Understanding Diversity in Our Schools SB 367 Evidence Based Practices to Mitigate Student Juvenile Justice Exposure SB 367 Understanding Risks and Needs Assessments for Juvenile Offenders SB 367 Substance Abuse Prevention SB 367 Trauma-Informed Responses SB 367 Youth Crisis Interventions SB 367 creates and amends law related to the Kansas juvenile justice system, as follows: Training must include information on adolescent development, risk and needs assessments, mental health, diversity, youth crisis intervention, substance abuse prevention, trauma-informed responses, and other evidence-based practices in school policing to mitigate student juvenile justice exposure.
The superintendent (or designee) of each school district and any law enforcement officer assigned primarily to a school must complete this training series. Greenbush has developed a series of eight training videos on the relevant topics. |
Transportation Supervisors
This training is federally mandated for all individuals who supervise individuals required to have a CDL as a condition of their employment.
Required per Health Education Standards
Students, Grades 9-12
KSDE Website for More Information
Local districts will retain flexibility over how this training will be implemented.
The key requirements are:
For those completing the Professional Development Council (PDC) Training, a separate form must be completed after the training is complete.