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Greenbush University

Free Professional Learning for All Educators

Greenbush University 2024 is nearly a month of in-person professional learning sessions beginning June 3 and continuing through June 26 in three locations. These FREE live sessions will take place in Girard June 3-6 and June 17-18, Lawrence on June 10-13 and June 19-20, and in Wichita at USD 375 Circle on June 25-26. These summer sessions are designed for educators and administrators with sessions taught by industry experts to collaborate and elevate your classroom experience.

College Credit: Available through Pittsburg State University and MidAmerica Nazarene University for participation in multiple sessions. Follow these steps to earn college credit: 

  • College credit is earned through the completion of multiple sessions. You choose how many credit hours you’d like to earn and choose sessions accordingly. Please refer to the fliers linked below for more information.
  • Find the correct number of sessions and register for each using the green links on the calendar view or by content.
  • Complete each of those sessions between June 3 and June 26 and gather the certificates of completion.
  • Apply for college credit at your university of choice following the directions outlined in the FAQ documents.
  • Be on the lookout for your transcript updates in late summer. 

For more information regarding college credit, click below:

Certificates of Completion: Provided for participants upon completion of each session. These can be used for documentation for Professional Development (PDC) Points.

Want to earn college credit, but unable to join us in person? Greenbush has additional opportunities for college credit this summer separate from Greenbush University. Check out Ronnie’s live virtual session options or our on-demand Greenbush+ information below. NOTE: These sessions have separate directions and requirements for college credit. Please see each opportunity for details on how to apply.

2024 Sessions

Need Your Certificate of Completion?