Timeframe for Review

Timeframe for Review

Protocols are processed as they are received. They are logged into the internal tracking database and assigned an IRB number within approximately 2 business days. Once protocols are logged in, an email is sent to the PI indicating receipt of the protocol, the designated IRB number, and when the next scheduled IRB meeting will be held.

There are several factors that will determine time frame for approval. Depending on risk level and subject populations, protocols will proceed for exempt, expedited, or full board review. When the reviewer contacts the PI with any pre-review issues and determines the review type, the processing time is dependent on when the PI is able to respond to the issues.

  • Exempt Review: If your protocol qualifies for one of the exemption categories, and any issues are addressed, approval can be provided. Please allow 1-2 weeks from submission to approval.
  • Expedited Review: The protocol will be sent to at least two IRB members for their review. Once you have addressed any issues we can provide approval. Please allow approximately 1-2 weeks from submission to approval.
  • Full Board Review: The protocol will be placed on an IRB meeting agenda. Full board protocols must be ready (all pre-review issues addressed) before it may be placed on an agenda on the first of each month before the scheduled meeting.