Calendar of Events

For a full detailed list of events visit our Events Page 

Educationally Relevant Related Services Day 1 – Lawrence

Register HereHave you ever wondered while sitting in an IEP meeting discussing need, how quickly related services add up?Is this more-is-better approach confusing quantity with value; providing isolation of services;...

504 Foundations – Lawrence

Register HereThe 504 professional development is designed to assist individuals responsible for the education of students with disabilities. It provides an overview of the requirements and benefits of Section 504...

504 Foundations – Girard

Register HereThe 504 professional development is designed to assist individuals responsible for the education of students with disabilities. It provides an overview of the requirements and benefits of Section 504...

Building a School Mental Health Team – Lawrence

Register HereThis workshop is targeted for school or district teams in the beginning stages of implementing school-mental health systems and services. The training will review the national best practices and...

Early Childhood Series: Part 1 (Girard)

Register HereThe Early Childhood Series is a dynamic three-part program designed exclusively for early childhood professionals. Professionals will be able to be involved in collaborative discussions where they may delve...

General Education Intervention (GEI) – Lawrence

Register HerePublic schools have the responsibility identify, locate, and evaluate any student who need special education and also those who have needs in their general education classroom. Child Find (also...

General Education Intervention (GEI) – Girard

Register HerePublic schools have the responsibility identify, locate, and evaluate any student who need special education and also those who have needs in their general education classroom. Child Find (also...